4 Reasons why the future of renewable energy is invincible

A few decades back, we were majorly coal powered - looking out for more sustainable and efficient ways to function.  More than a century old cycle of drill, mine, generate, and consume has finally got a major breakthrough. All thanks to the consistent efforts driven towards the unprecedented rise of sustainable power resources. 

Affordability factor has made the shift look far more imminent than it was ever before. You too can be the part of this revolution by switching over to the solar panels for your daily energy needs.

Not only the savings are immense but that opportunity to sell the extra power is far more exciting to give a miss. For commercial solar panel supplier in the UK, visit us!

Let us take you through the 4 major reasons why renewable energy is all set to overtake the market.

1.     Money is the proof  

If BNEF (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) reports are anything to go by, then the total investment that the whole world is going to make in next 20 years for the power generation, more than 80% of it is concentrated towards sustainable sources.

Even the green bond investments are touching new highs every day. Green bonds are the investment securities that generate money specifically to be used in projects associated with the climate and environmental uplifting.

With so much of the money being pumped into this sector, it is hard to guess that the future is anything but clean energy powered.

2.      Major roadblock removed  

Sustainable energy sources had only one major roadblock preventing its unprecedented surge. It was the ‘expensive’ tag associated with it.

All thanks to the rising awareness and production cost cut down, now the clean energy generation is not only affordable but rather cheaper than its non-renewable counterparts at ground level.  

3.      Driving towards an imminent end  

The internal combustion transportation is moving towards its foreseen closure rapidly.

Majors players like Britain, France, India, Norway, and China have already announced the upcoming blanket ban on the diesel and gas-powered transportation mediums.

This means all shift on sustainable sources to reduce the carbon footprint.

4.      Business shift at the oil and gas giants       

The likes of BP, Shell, and Exxon have started to redirect their investments towards low carbon and renewable resources.

Only a while back, BP announced 152 million pounds investment in a Europe-based major solar developer.    

With a threat of climate change looming large, it is the time to bring in a major shift. You can also do your bit by shifting to the solar energy for your business requirements. For Commercial solar panel suppliers UK, Visit us!


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